Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic

"Ana's storytelling leaves you smelling the bread and living the experiences." Piet Van Zyl on Smashwords

"Ana has a way with words that draws you into the story and each of these short stories wants you to read the next!" Piet Van Zyl on Smashwords

"Narrative fluency, good natured-humor, an eye for detail, a curious spirit, and a loving heart." Amita Basu, writer and cognitive scientist

"The author’s collection of short stories offers an uninhibited look into the lives of peculiar people living in a normal world." Your Co-Author

"Her writing has a certain charm that made me want to visit her hometown and witness all the traditions and events by myself, as well as devour those delicious cakes. Some elements made me wish I had spent my childhood in such a place." Your Co-Author