
A Recurring Dream, Adelaide Magazine

Mr. Madman's House, QLRS (Quarterly Literary Review Singapore)
Mr. Madman's House, Setu Magazine

A Blue Finch, The Fictional Café
A Blue Finch,  formercactus

I Want to Go with You,  Storyhouse

The Purple Chrysanthemum, Wordgathering
Belgrade, Wordgathering
Toby's Garden, Wordgathering

The Red Wooden Box, Defiant Scribe

A Butterfly, Former People
A Butterfly, S/tick (Don't Die Press)

The Wild Red Rose, Balloons Literary Journal

The River, BlazeVOX
The River, Blue River Review

Confined Spaces and Shadows, Indiana Voice Journal

Brain Crack, Whatever Keeps the Light on

Dodola, Clover and White

The Carnival, Kid's Imagination Train

The Ocean Princess, Short Kid Stories

The Wind Should Chase the Clouds Away, Literary Yard

The Last Dervish, Litro Magazine

Bee Humminbird, Short-Story

The Blue Cave, Grailing Press